Welcome! The EPCIS Workbench helps you work with EPCIS events, queries, and servers.

The EPCIS Workbench is a free, interactive tool for working with the
GS1 Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) standard.
You focus on the business content of EPCIS data instead of technical details.

Use the EPCIS Workbench to decode EPCIS event XML into this:

Get an account and see what the EPCIS Workbench can do for you.
It's free!

  • Upload a file and decode its contents   See a Demo
  • See all files previously uploaded
  • Create new EPCIS events   See a Demo
  • Edit the content of EPCIS events
  • Capture events to an EPCIS server   See a Demo
  • Create a new EPCIS query
  • Query an EPCIS server
Or, log in:
New features (March 2020)